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Mechanic's lien California is a guarantee that contractors, sub contractors, and casual laborers will be paid their dues for services or products offered during construction or renovation. It also includes the guarantee that suppliers will be paid for their supply of materials.

If a mechanic's lien has been filed against a real estate or personal property, it is difficult to sell, or develop that facility unless any outstanding debts are cleared. Even if the owner paid all dues to the contractor, property can still be held by the contractor's failure to pay his/her sub-contractors or casuals.

In such a case, the sub-contractor or casuals can sue the owner of the property. Unfortunately, a lawsuit could lead to a foreclosure and subsequent the sale of the property to compensate the debtors. In view of the above, it is advisable for the property owner to ensure that every player has been paid his/her dues. Filing a mechanics lien California requires you to understand several elements, beginning with determining whether you have the right to a mechanic's lien.


If you are eligible for mechanics lien, you need to be well equipped with several sets of details e.g. property's owner, a description of the property itself, e.t.c. Most importantly, before filing the actual mechanics lien California, one is required to give a preliminary notice of 20 days to the property owner describing the kind of services or goods offered as well as the contractor or sub-contractor who had hired the pursuer. To bring a mechanics lien into practice, one must file a suit to foreclose the property within a period not exceeding 90 days since the date of recording.

For more information about mechanics liens in California, continue reading here!

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